Welcome Welcome




Welcome to the FirstChoice Cooperative Business Partner Web Portal. This portion of the FCC Website was created to provide for an effective communication source between FCC and it's contracted vendors. Each section of this portal provides specific information.

The first tab provides for the various contacts within your organization with whom the FCC staff works to assure contract compliancy. We have listed the primary manufacturer contact, the accounts payable contact and the membership contact. All of these personnel have a login and password set up to access this web portal. If there is someone else in your organization who wishes to access please click here.

The second tab of this Web Portal gives you a list of all FCC members who are compliant to your contract. Definition of compliance is that the member has signed the appropriate documentation which has been forwarded to the membership contact we have listed for your company. You will also see in this section a complete list of members for your reference.


The third section has the Contract Review Sheet along with a list of items - with pricing - that are on contract with FCC along with any other supporting documentation. This is what the FCC members see on the website, and is based on information that has been provided to FCC by your company.

The last tab is the Statement Section showing payments made to FirstChoice Cooperative by your company based on the members purchases. This page will show history, current and any past-due payments.


If there is additional information you would like to see or have any comments or concerns please contact us.