Texas stops reopening amid surge in COVID-19

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that reopening will be paused as the state is seeing a major surge in COVID-19 cases.

The state reported 5,500 cases in a single day this week. Over 125,000 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the state since the outbreak began.

Texas is one of many states seeing a massive uptick in COVID-19 cases. Arizona and Florida are also seeing major rises with each state seeing record numbers of cases this week.

California is also seeing a surge in cases with over 5,000 daily cases reported this week.

In all, 26 states are seeing some increase in COVID-19 cases.

While Abbott announced a pause in reopenings due to the disease, he said that he will not reimplement shutdowns.

“The last thing we want to do as a state is go backwards and close down businesses,” Governor Abbott said in a statement. “This temporary pause will help our state corral the spread until we can safely enter the next phase of opening our state for business. I ask all Texans to do their part to slow the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a mask, washing their hands regularly, and socially distancing from others.”
